In this release, we improved support for wireless accessories and hardware buttons, refined the UI for a better experience on Android 15, and fixed several small issues.
In this release, we improved support for wireless accessories and hardware buttons, refined the UI for a better experience on Android 15, and fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for Android 14, updated the history screen, improved compatibility with other VoIP apps, and fixed several issues.
In this release we added support for the wired Crosscall X-COMM accessory, removed support for Android 6, and fixed a handful of small issues.
In this release we updated the history screen, improved compatibility with other VoIP apps, and fixed several issues.
In this release we updated the history screen, improved compatibility with other VoIP apps, and fixed several issues.
In this release we added support for the wired Crosscall X-COMM accessory, removed support for Android 6, and fixed a handful of small issues.
In this release we added the option to send a live voice message from the history screen, allowed sending up to 10 images at once, improved support for the Sonim XP5plus and Seuic Cruise 1, and made a number of small bug fixes and improvements.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved handling of connection interruptions, addressed compatibility issues with other VoIP apps, improved context menus, and added support for Telox TE320.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved support for the iMotion TC601 and fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved support for Jabra accessories, resolved a problem with Bluetooth becoming silent after a phone call, and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved support for Crosscall X-COMM and Jabra Perform 45 Bluetooth devices, fixed a number of bugs, and added a setting to match the Zello theme to the Android system theme.
In this release we improved hardware support, and fixed several small issues.
In this release, we added a recent contact option to our overlay buttons, improved permissions and hardware support, and fixed several small issues.
In this release, we added a recent contact option to our overlay buttons, improved permissions and hardware support, and fixed several small issues.
In this release, we added a recent contact option to our overlay buttons, improved permissions and hardware support, and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for Sonim XP10 and RugGear RG935 devices, and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this update we added support for Sonim XP5plus and Telo TE590+ devices, and fixed several small issues.
In this update we added support for USB headsets and improved compatibility with Android 13.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we added a Bluetooth accessory indicator to the talk screen, and made it easier to send different kinds of messages when the screen is locked. Starting with this release, Android 5 will no longer be supported.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for Android 12 and fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for Android 12 and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
Same Zello, new brand logo and app icon.
Same Zello, new brand logo and app icon.
In this release we added support for Android 12 and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release, we improved support for small screen devices and Bluetooth LE accessories. We also fixed several small issues.
In this release, we improved support for small screen devices and Bluetooth LE accessories. We also fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for Sonim XP3 Plus devices and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for a new Stone Mountain accessory and fixed a number of issues.
In this update we improved the app bar, added support for more specialized devices, and fixed a handful of bugs.
In this update we improved the app bar, added support for more specialized devices, and fixed a handful of bugs.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this update we removed channel search and fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues and improved the reliability of the app.
In this release we improved the sign-up screen, added support for Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro and i.Safe Mobile IS530 phones, and fixed several issues.
In this release we added an option for two-factor authentication, fixed a number of minor issues, and improved support for Bluetooth SPP accessories as well as Sonim XP5800 and XP6700 devices.
In this update we introduced notifications for new conversations and fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved functionality when sending messages to offline contacts, resolved a bug impacting the Telo TE390, and fixed several other minor issues.
In this release we added support for Android 11 and fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved support for wired accessories and fixed numerous bugs.
In this release we improved support for wired accessories and fixed several small issues.
In this release we improved support for wired accessories and fixed several small issues.
In this release we added support for Sepura Bluetooth devices, made several improvements to the font size setting, and fixed a number of small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
New and improved sound customization options are back! Check them out under Options > Notifications and let us know what you think. If you used custom sounds before, the app will attempt to automatically restore them.
In this release we expanded support for the Kyocera DuraXV Extreme as well as the Samsung Galaxy Xcover FieldPro.
In this release we added the option to mark users and channels as favorites. We also expanded support for certain device types and fixed several bugs.
In this release we added a history retention setting, updated the picture message preview UI, and fixed some small issues.
In this release we added a history retention setting, updated the picture message preview UI, and fixed some small issues.
In this release we fixed several hardware accessories issues, as well as a handful of smaller bugs.
In this release we fixed several hardware accessories issues, as well as a handful of smaller bugs.
In this release we improved camera configurability and fixed several issues in the UI.
In this release we fixed a bug causing WiFi to turn off for some users and improved recording quality when using the Stone Mountain BluSkye accessory.
In this release, we fixed several small issues.
In this release we fixed several small issues and improved Android Q support.
In this release we fixed several small issues.
In this update we fixed several issues and improved app stability.
In this update we improved notifications and fixed a few issues with hardware accessories.
In this release we fixed several small issues, including a bug causing some fields to occasionally reset when editing a profile.
In this update we fixed a handful of small bugs.
In this update we improved the UI and audio notifications for user and channel call alerts.
In this update we improved the UI and fixed a bug causing the channel alert notification sound to play more then one time.
In this update we improved the default profile pictures and fixed several bugs.
In this release, we added support for specialized PTT headset accessories and fixed some bugs.
In this release we fixed some bugs.
In this release, we made it easier to share channels and fixed some bugs. We also fixed a problem preventing Bluetooth SPP accessories from working correctly.
In this release, we made it easier to share channels and fixed some bugs.
• Improved Address Book screen
• Bugfixes
• Notifications show incorrect conversation names
• Other bugfixes
• Redesigned notifications
• Bugfixes
• Fixed an issue that caused configured PTT buttons to disappear for some users after an update
• Updated app icon
• Bugfixes
• Bugfixes
• Allow to use VOX with the screen locked
• Updated UI
• Bugfixes
• Updated UI
• Bugfixes
• Added channel admin setting to enable channel broadcast on the web
• Enable location sharing by default for new channels
• Fixed app icon not showing on some devices
• Preserve solo status between app restarts
• Other bugfixes
• Text to speech to announce channel names when switching them using AINA
• Added support for remote ZelloWork account setup using MDM
• Fixes bugs reported with screenless network radios
• Updated app icon
• Other bugfixes
• Added support for Inrico and Talkpod screenless IP-based radios
• Announce channel names when the AINA Responder accessory is used to switch through the recent contacts
• UI updates
• Fixed an issue that caused the app to quit sometimes during reconnect
• Further improvements to channel search
• Faster switching of accounts
• Other bugfixes
• Updated UI look with vector icons
• Added new options to channel search
• Bugfixes
• Added option to share location in channels
• Added confirmation dialog before sending location
• Updated channel search
• Automatic gain control is now off by default
• Bugfixes
- Bugfixes and performance improvements
Added text messaging
Added automatic gain control
Updated UI
Fixed recording from handsfree devices
Added an option to only handle a hardware button in the foreground
Fixed restarting of VOX after a message is sent
Updated UI
Fixed recording from handsfree devices
Added an option to only handle a hardware button in the foreground
Fixed restarting of VOX after a message is sent
Premium channels.
Noise suppression
Voice activated transmission
Premium channels
Noise suppression
Voice activated transmission
• Show message notifications for inactive accounts• Show account name in the title area• Mute audio alerts when a voice, image or location message is received and the device is in "Do not disturb" mode• Support for emergency and recents scroll buttons for the AINA speaker• Fixed an issue that caused voice and image messages to be sent in low bandwidth mode for beta users• Bugfixes
Ability to assign a default contactBugfixes and improvements
Fix handling of headset buttons when running in the backgroundBugfixes
- Support default contacts for hardware buttons- An an option to disable the screen button- Bugfixes and performance improvements
- Bugfixes- Improved location view
- Send location UI improved- Fixed ready to send sound on Samsung S7 and S8- Other bugfixes and performance improvements
- Added new Send Location feature (requires location permission)- Improved simple conversations support- Fixed RexonPTT support- Improved support of smart wired push-to-talk headsets- Bugfixes
- Added new Send Location feature (requires location permission)- Improved simple conversations support- Fixed RexonPTT support- Improved support of smart wired push-to-talk headsets- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes and performance improvements